Looking for a loan to help with tuition? The SU Foundation offers student loans through these three funds:
Alumni Loan Fund
The Alumni Loan Fund was originated by the Class of 1904 and added to by numerous individuals and groups, in particular, the Estate of Catherine McMullen. It provides need-based loans to academically outstanding undergraduate and full-time graduate students. An Alumni Student Loan helps you pay for tuition costs. No interest is charged while you are enrolled in school, and repayment doesn’t start until six months after you graduate or leave Ship.
Wm. Harold and Nancy E. Bush Student Loan Fund
The William Harold and Nancy E. Bush Student Loan Fund provides need-based loans to academically outstanding undergraduate junior or senior students (those having 60 credits or above) needing financial help to complete their degree at Ship. A Bush Student Loan helps you pay for tuition costs. There are two options for repayment, including one that’s interest-free.
Oda Glunt Swope Student Loan Program
The Oda Glunt Swope Student Loan Fund is designed to provide financial assistance to full-time undergraduate students enrolled at Shippensburg University who are graduates of high schools in Fulton or Huntingdon Counties. Recipients must have demonstrated academic promise and financial need. Loans can be taken out for up to full in-state tuition per year. There is no interest charged while the student is enrolled in school, and the repayment process starts six months after graduation or leaving Shippensburg University.
For more information on these student loan opportunities, contact the Shippensburg University Financial Aid Office at 717-477-1131.