Memorial & Tribute Giving

Memorial gifts are a meaningful way to mark the passing of a loved one or close friend. Suggested wording for an obituary, which invites friends and family to contribute to the Shippensburg University Foundation in memory of the deceased, is below. The SU Foundation will provide a list of donors, without the gift amount, to the family.

“Memorial contributions to the “Shippensburg University Foundation/<Include fund name, if available*>” in memory of <insert name of individual> can be made online at The online gift form allows you to indicate who your gift will honor or memorialize. Checks made payable to the SU Foundation can be mailed to: Shippensburg University Foundation, 500 Newburg Road, Shippensburg , PA 17257.

*Please contact the SU Foundation for a direct link to a specific fund. Memorial gifts are designated to the “Ship’s Greatest Need” fund unless otherwise specified.


The Shippensburg University Foundation offers the creation of named funds, which is an especially significant and lasting way to honor a family member, loved one, classmate, or mentor.

Named Endowed Funds
Named endowments are a wonderful way to memorialize or honor someone and leave a permanent legacy.  Endowments can be established with a minimum gift of $25,000 and will generate an annual impact that will continue to support your honoree’s passions in perpetuity. There are opportunities for named spaces on campus, scholarships, program support, and more.

Memorial Annual Impact Scholarships
Annual Impact Scholarships are available on a one-time basis and can be created with a minimum gift of $10,000. A $10,000 Annual Impact Scholarship offers a Shippensburg University student a $2,250 yearly scholarship for four years. Benefactors are invited to the Annual Celebration of the Spirit of Generosity Scholarship Dinner to meet the recipient for the term of the scholarship.

Please contact the Shippensburg University Foundation if either of these opportunities are of interest to you.


Another way to memorialize or honor a loved one or close friend is to purchase a personalized brick to be placed on the Pathway Home brick plaza at Stewart Hall.